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site updated 1/31/2025

Calvineer members take questions with New England Aquarium's Senior Scientist Amy Knowlton
at the Second World Marine Mammal Conference in Barcelona Spain, December 2019.
Thom Willey Film

One goal of this documentary series is to capture on film Bill McWeeney seeing Calvin the whale for the first time. With over 3000 hours of volunteer research expeditions, Bill and Calvin the Right Whale have never met!

Thom Willey Film
Calvin was spotted 6/13/2022 in the Bay of Fundy! Time is precious. With an estimated 370 endangered North Atlantic Right Whales left, and the dangers they face daily from climate to human activity, every minute counts. Help us, help Bill, see Calvin, the Right Whale who has inspired this incredible teacher and his students for over a decade. The Calvineers Movie Documentary Series is their story.
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North Atlantic Right Whales are a protected and endangered species. Approaching closer than 500 yards is illegal.
The Calvineers Movie is funded in part by a grant from the Maine Arts Commission, an independent state agency supported by
the National Endowment for the arts.

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